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Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nak Jadi Jutawan?

Haa...Sekarang ni mama kat Sarawak. Tengah keje...Semalam kawan mama bawak pi berbuka kat Sarawak Golf Club. Apalagi, faveret mama la, Butter prawn, Steamed cod fish, pucuk midin, chicken wings and soft tofu...Sedap sehingga menjilat pinggan! hehe takde la..tapi alhamdulillah, rezeki murah benor dtg sarawak bulan2 posa ni...

Lepas makan tu, kami berborak la mcm2. Tetiba James tegur satu old man ni. Dia bawak beg raket yg besar. James kenalkan kami kat dia and dia tengok mknana kami, dia cakap utk berbuka? Yup, mama and kawan mama jawab serentak. Hmm..nice food tapi kenapa tak habis? mama jawab, too full, cannot anymore. "then tapau la..." he said. James pun cakap everytime dia makan sini, dia akan tapau any lauk yg tak dpt habiskan.
Kat sini, moral of the story yg betul2 menginsafkan mama ialah, even the non muslim pun pandai sayang makanan. You know who is the old man?? One of the richest tokey balak kat Kuching. Wow! even rich people pun tak membazir. Cuba ingat balik, setiap kali berpuasa, Org Islam berpusu2 pi makan kat restoran. Mahal tak? Mahal kan..? Makan habis tak? 
Kita yg ISlam berpuasa untuk mengenang org2 miskin yg kelaparan, untuk menginsafi diri kita, tapi adakah kita benar2 menghayati erti berpuasa? Nampak macam tak je..Setiap kali berbuka kita beli kemain lagik..Makan sampai tak boleh bangun lagi dah. So, tak sampai mesej yg Allah SWT nak kita rasa.
Bila mama terdengar kata2 uncle yg kaya tu, terus mama teringat adakah selama ini mama betul2 menghayati Ramadhan? Agaknya, disebabkan uncle tu sayang makanan dan tak membazir, rezeki dia murah dan jadi jutawan. Lagipun rezeki tak mengira bangsa dan agama, Allah SWT janjikan sama rata asalkan kita berusaha dan tahu bersyukur. Jadi betullah, Uncle tu berusaha dan bersyukur so that dia tak membazir makanan. Lepas ni, mama akan terapkan dlm family mama skap yg baik mcm ni. Semoga cerita ini menjadi panduan dan pengajaran buat kita bersama...Amin.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kerja Kosong!

We’re hiring, Nuffnangers! :D We need to fill in a few vacancies as below:
- Media Sales (Nom Nom Media)
- Media Sales (Churp Churp)
- Community Executive (Churp Churp)

Interested in applying for one of the vacancies? Read on to see if you fit the bill for the career you’re aiming for!

Do all your friends unanimously agree that you’re the extrovert in the gang? If the answer is yes, you’ll fit in just well here! Media Sales Nuffies are at the frontline of Nuffnang & Churp Churp, spending their days out of the office meeting potential clients and pitching exciting ideas for social media campaigns to them. You’ll essentially be the person bringing in the clients and growing the Nuffnang & Churp Churp business, so you gotta be one tough cookie! You’ll need to work well under pressure and in the face rejection, all while exuding confidence like a pro.

- Meeting and building rapport with potential clients
- Pitching and preparing creative proposals and presentations for exciting campaigns
- Researching and preparing case studies on cool ideas for potential client’s ad campaigns
- Overseeing the execution of your social media advertising campaigns
- Liaising with and coordinating Nuffnangers & Churpers engaged for advertising campaigns
- Attending to client’s needs on social media campaigns
- Seek creative ways by researching and networking to bring in digital advertising revenue for the company

- Candidates must possess at least a "A" Level/Pre-U, Diploma, Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree in any field.
- Fresh graduates between the age of 21- 28 are welcome to apply.
- Must be able to write and converse fluently in English.
- Possess own transport.
- Articulate with good communication and presentation skills.
- Self-motivated, target driven and able to work independently.
- Must possess some knowledge in Social Media Advertising.
- Good team player with a proactive attitude.
- Dynamic, bubbly and have passion for the media industry.
- Preferably Junior & Senior executives specializing in Advertising/Media Planning or equivalent.
- Application only open to citizens or PR holders.

If you love meeting new people, planning events and are active on social media, look no further for the perfect job! Community Relations staffs spend a lot of their time planning community events for the Nuffnang/ChurpChurp communities, liaising with Nuffnangers and Churpers on everything from events that members of the communities are invited to, or just attending to any questions bloggers and Churpers might have.

- Being the direct contact point for Nuffnangers/Churpers – maintaining good relations & liaising directly with them
- Planning and organizing events, seminars/workshops, parties, movie screenings and the like for Nuffnangers/Churpers
- Identify potential partners and manage Nuffnang/Churp Churp’s partners in events, campaigns, charity campaigns and initiatives
- Maintaining all communication platforms with bloggers/Churpers (the official blogs, Facebook and Twitter accounts)
- Managing the micro-communities in Nuffnang & Churp Churp (e.g. Glitterati Plus, Evangelist Programs)
- Creating content for the Nuffnang & Churp Churp official homepage
- Attending to bloggers’/Churpers’ enquiries via the helpdesk
- Attending post-mortem meetings, preparing reports on events and campaigns and liaising with clients and sales team on performance of initiatives.

- Candidates must possess at least a "A" Level/Pre-U, Diploma, Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree, any field.
- Fresh graduates between the age of 21- 28 are welcome to apply.
- Must be able to write and converse fluently in English.
- Articulate, with good communication and presentation skills.
- Self-motivated, target driven and able to work independently.
- Must possess some knowledge of social media.
- Good team player with a proactive attitude.
- Dynamic, bubbly and have passion for the media industry.
- Must be willing to work after standard working hours and on weekends when occasional events/activities are being held.
- Application only open to citizens or PR holders.

Reckon you’re the perfect candidate for one of the openings above? Write in to and state the position you’re applying for in the subject of the email, and you may also attach a copy of your CV.

Hurry and send in your application today! Come on and join us, we're a lot of fun, we promise ;)

Teoh Xinxian
Senior Community Executive
Nuffnang Sdn. Bhd.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Setelah 3 tahun bergelar ibu..

mm...dah lama tak mengetuk keyboard. Buka apa, boring dgn broadband maxis yg kekadang menyakitkan hati. Sekarang a bit okay, so mama nak share pengalaman 3 tahun bergelar ibu kepada Afzal.

Sejak sebelum kahwin, mama dah tak sabar nak ada anak sendiri setelah bertahun dok menumpang kasih anak sedara. Akhirnya lepas 2 bulan kahwin, mama dapat tau mama mengandung. Asalnya, mama dah 2 kali cek tapi negatif. So, mama malas nak cek. Kebetulan kawan mama bawak anaknye (sekarang dah arwah..innalillah). Anak dia ada sakit jantung. Mama suka sgt baby, so mama dukung. Baby tu baik je and senyum kat mama. So sweet...So, kawan mama cakap. Ntah2 akak mengandung. Tu baby rasa selesa je. Cek punye cek, betullah, mama mengandung...

Masa mengandung memang mcm2 dugaan...dipendekkan cerita, lahirlah putera sulung seberat 3.27kg. Happy sangat mama dan Ayah. Setiap saat mama dok belek muka Afzal. Sayang memang tak berbelah bagi. Dalam otak dok pikir nak beli baru cantik, nak beli insurans, edu plan, tdika esok nak masuk mana..mcm2 lagi lah...
Setiap hari sepanjang berpantang jgak, mama amik gambar Afzal...

Alhamdulliah, walaupun tak ekslusively breastfeed Afzal, mama tetap teruskan susukan dia sampai umur 2 tahun lebih. Susu yg mama guna untuk back up bila tak cukup susu ialah, Enfalac (dlm pantang), NAN1 (hingga setahun), Friso Gold (a few month), Enfagrow sampai sekarang. 

Afzal ni sensitif dgn nursery. Almost everyday, hidung berair and kerap demam panas. Mama jumpa doktor yg juga suami kawan mama. Dia cakap semua tu bagus utk build up imun dia. Then kawan mama yg ada masalah yg sama, dia suggest amik pneumococal vaccin. So, mama amik 2 dose and alhamdulillah he is so healthy and energetic ever since.

Afzal boleh berjalan sejak 10 bulan. but dia ada masalah sikit bab bercakap. memang lambat tapi dia boleh terima arahan dan kalau dlm mood yg baik, dia boleh ikut apa yg kita cakap. Contohnya, buka kasut dan letak tempat yg betul, buang sampah dlm tong sampah, tlong mama simpan bakul baju, kalau air tumpah kena lap, lepas makan basuh tgn, dll...Cuma bercakap tu yg merisaukan mama. Semalam, masa mama nak antar dia pegi rumah pengasuh, tetiba je dia cakap "oh no, what happen?"...aik??? pandai kamu bercakap anak? mama teruja dan bersyukur...


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