Berkongsi pengalaman membesarkan anak lelaki yang energetic, lasak dan banyak akal serta si gegel bambam yg sangat kelakar!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Al Fatihah untuk Arwah Achik Spin
Sebelum pergi Singapore hari tu, tetiba terdetik hati ni rindu nak tengok Achik Spin nyanyi. Mama ni peminat Achik Spin sejak mama kena berkaraoke dengan kawan di kursus Senjata Bantuan lagu duet Achik and Nana. Mama dok sibuk berceloteh dengan ayah apa yang mama tau pasal Achik Spin dan lagu2 yang dah tak berapa mama ingat. Tapi sedihnya, hari mama balik dari Singapore tu la mama tertengok kat berita pasal kemalangan yang menimpa Arwah Achik menyebabkan Achik emninggal dengan ebberapa kecederaan serius di kepala dan hatinya. Sedihnya mama, tak sempat mama nak tengok dia menyanyi semula. Mungkin ada hikmah dis ebaliknya. Arwah Achik tu kawna2 dia cakap baik orangnya. Biasalah, orang baik ni Allah SWT sayang. apa pun mama doakan semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat yang Maha Esa. Al Fatihah.
Sentosa Island...
Rabu lepas, mama pi Sentosa Island untuk short course ultrasound. Mama kan sonographer so, kenalah mama berkorban hatta wang ringgit sekalipun untuk memajukan diri mama supaya Afzal bangga dengan mama. Malam selasa tu mama hantar Afzal ke rumah nenek sebab nenek nak sangat jaga Afzal. Rindu dan sayang kan Afzal. Tapi mama rupanya tak kuat mana, dalam kereta on the way back to Cheras, mama dah nangis. Mama tak sampai hati nak tinggalkan Afzal dalam keadaan Afzal masih lagi menyusu. Nasib baik ayah pandai pujuk. Esoknya, berangkatlah mama ke Singapura. dalam flight lagi sekali mama hampir menangis teringatkan Afzal. Sampai je kat Singapura, bos dan kawan mama ajak mama jalan-jalan sebab course tu bermula hari Khamis. So, ikut la jalan-jalan. Mama pesan kat kawan mama jgn sebut pasal anak takut spoil mood untuk bersiar-siar dengan kawan. So, sampai malam mama bersiar-siar siap lagi pergi 4D magix kat Imbiah Lookout. Esoknya, mama start kursus. breakfast di Siloso memang best tapi tak semua halal untuk dimakan. Sama juga di Capella Hotel. Course dari pagi sampai petang so, makan minum semuanya di Capella Hotel. tapi first day, mama cuma makan seafood stew dan sayur goreng. Dah la tu mama kena pulak Diarhea...hmm...petangnya, mama ikut diorang pergi Arab Street. Asalnya nak survey jalan ke Airport tapi last minute plan tukar pergi cari makanan halal di Arab Street. Seronok memang la seronok tapi dengan perut yang memulas2 memang rasa lesu sangat and lama2 jadi moody...Tapi dikutkan saja kaki mereka2 berjalan akhirnya sampai juga ke bilik. Mama tidur puas-puas tapi esoknya masih tak dapat recover kepenatan semlam menyebabkan mama tertidur sepanjang lecture sesi pagi. Tapi lepas Tea break, mama dah kuat sikit dan berjaya teruskan usaha hingga ke penghujung hari. Petangnya, mama dan kawan2 keluar untuk beli sikit cenderahati untuk family tapi tak seberapa sangat sebab mama cuma bawa S$150 je.tu pun dah guna masa di Imbiah Lookout. Tapi mama happy sebab dapat beli untuk semua orang. Esoknya, mama lebih bersemangat sebab last day meaning mama akan pulang berjumpa Afzal. So, mama concentrate habis masa lecture sampai pukul 12, mama balik hotel untuk checkout. Then, mama rehat dulu sebelum bertolak ke Airport pukul 5.00ptg. Sampai di Airport, mama dan kwn2 pergi makan di restoran Popeye yang Halal. tak le sesedap mana tapi yang penting halal. pukul 9.30mlm, penerbangan ke Malaysia bermula dengan beberapa kali bergegar disebabkan cuaca buruk malam tu. Tapi alhamdulillah mama berjaya pulang ke Malaysia. Esoknya, mama pergi amik Afzal tapi Azfal menangis beriya2 sambil panggil ayah. sedih mama sebab ada orang salah anggap kononnya Afzal tak rapat denagn mama. Diorang tak tahu betapa rapatnya kita kan? Tapi biarlah mama pendam rasa hati mama. Yang penting lepas tu Afzal nak juga mama and kita tak berenggang sampai sekarang....
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sapa Afzal???
Last week, mama ajak ayah balik kuantan. So, jumaat tu mama and ayah amik cuti and off we go to kuantan. Sampai je kita pi makan tengahari kat tepi pantai. Best! Esoknya, pagi kita breakfast dengan Najwa and najla. Then terus kita jalan-jalan kat Mega Mall. Kat situ mama and ayah karaoke untuk Afzal tapi you didn't seem to enjoy it maybe sebab bising kot. Then petang kita pegi mini zoo dengan Tok Cik and Najwa satu family. Seronok jugak balik kampung kali ni. Mama happy sangat. Azfal pulak dah nak banyak cakap. setiap kali main dengan najwa, Afzal mesti akan develop new skill. this time Azfal dah pandai cakap saya! siapa Afzal? Saya!!! kiut sangat.Ahad tu kita balik klang pulak.jumpa nenek. Tunjuk kat nenek Azfal pandai cakap dah sikit2..hehe...Yang penting kita semua happy last weekend.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sana Sini Buang Anak....
Tak tau la apa nak jadi dengan dunia zaman sekarang. Buang anak sana sini. Tak pernah ke mereka ni terfikir, zuriat yang Allah SWT kurniakan tu terlalu tinggi nilainya untuk dibuang dalam tong sampah, dalam longkang atau di bakar sebegitu rupa. Sudah hilang pedomankah manusai zaman sekarang? Jika diikutkan, zaman moden sepatutnya manusia lebih bertamadun. Tetapi apa yang berlaku adalah sebaliknya. Manusia lebih kejam daripada haiwan. ketika bersukaria, tisak kenal akan batasan dan hukum hakam. Apabila diduga dengan dikurniakan anak kenapa masih tidak sedar dan insaf?? Malah sanggup mereka berterusan dalam kealpaan?? Tidakkah mereka terfikir akan kehadiran bayi tersebut adalah teguran Allah SWT kepada makhluknya agar bertaubat dan berhijrah ke jalan yang diredhaiNya? Sesungguhnya kita dicipta untuk berbuat kebaikan bukanlah kemusnahan di muka bumi. Semoga terbit keinsafan di hati mereka yang telah jauh tersesat...Amin.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Terkenang jua....

Tadi tengah mama tengok gambar2 yang melambak2 dalam komputer mama kat ofis ni, mama tertengok la gambar2 masa pregnantkan Afzal. Besar juga mam masa tu. nak tengok??
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Chef At Home 5
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Nanny 911

Sejak ada series terbaru kat NTV7 ni, saya tak pernah ketinggalan menonton Nanny 911. Bukan apa, nak belajar macam mana mat saleh2 ni mendidik anak. Bila setiap kali menonton, mesti mulut tak lepas2 mengucap panjang and berdoa semoga anak saya tak jadi macam tu. Bagi yang tak pernak menonton maybe tak paham apa yang saya cuba sampaikan. Cara yang diorang ni implement memang nampak tegas sangat. Tapi diorang tak benarkan parents naik tangan. Cukup sekadar tegur dengan tegas dan cara kita mendidik mesti konsisten baik mak atau ayah. Maknanya tak boleh la, mak marah ayah berlembut atau ayah marah mak pergi pujuk. So, banyak juga yang saya belajar. Sebagai parent yang masih muda dan mentah dalam ilmu parenting ni, saya memang tak lepaskan peluang untuk menimba sebanyak mana ilmu unetuk mendidik anak denagn cemerlang. Saya taknak jaga anak ala kadar je. Apa-apa yang kita nak lakukan biarlah dengan cemerlang. Walaupun diri yang tak bagus, kita belajar untuk jadi bagus.
Study: Breast-feeding would save lives, money
By LINDSEY TANNER, AP Medical Writer - Mon Apr 5, 10:53 AM PDT
CHICAGO - The lives of nearly 900 babies would be saved each year, along with billions of dollars, if 90 percent of U.S. women fed their babies breast milk only for the first six months of life, a cost analysis says.
Mothers breast feed their newly born babies inside the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Fabella hospital in Manila March 16, 2010. Breast feeding advocates have tied up with a high-IQ (Intelligence Quotient) organization to debunk the claims of infant formula makers whose advertisements claimed that their products will increase a child's intelligence, local newspaper reported on Tuesday. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco (PHILIPPINES - Tags: POLITICS SOCIETY)
Those startling results, published online Monday in the journal Pediatrics, are only an estimate. But several experts who reviewed the analysis said the methods and conclusions seem sound.
"The health care system has got to be aware that breast-feeding makes a profound difference," said Dr. Ruth Lawrence, who heads the American Academy of Pediatrics' breast-feeding section.
The findings suggest that there are hundreds of deaths and many more costly illnesses each year from health problems that breast-feeding may help prevent. These include stomach viruses, ear infections, asthma, juvenile diabetes, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and even childhood leukemia.
The magnitude of health benefits linked to breast-feeding is vastly underappreciated, said lead author Dr. Melissa Bartick, an internist and instructor at Harvard Medical School. Breast-feeding is sometimes considered a lifestyle choice, but Bartick calls it a public health issue.
Among the benefits: Breast milk contains antibodies that help babies fight infections; it also can affect insulin levels in the blood, which may make breast-fed babies less likely to develop diabetes and obesity.
The analysis studied the prevalence of 10 common childhood illnesses, costs of treating those diseases, including hospitalization, and the level of disease protection other studies have linked with breast-feeding.
The $13 billion in estimated losses due to the low breast-feeding rate includes an economists' calculation partly based on lost potential lifetime wages — $10.56 million per death.
The methods were similar to a widely cited 2001 government report that said $3.6 billion could be saved each year if 50 percent of mothers breast-fed their babies for six months. Medical costs have climbed since then and breast-feeding rates have increased only slightly.
About 43 percent of U.S. mothers do at least some breast-feeding for six months, but only 12 percent follow government guidelines recommending that babies receive only breast milk for six months.
Dr. Larry Gray, a University of Chicago pediatrician, called the analysis compelling and said it's reasonable to strive for 90 percent compliance.
But he also said mothers who don't breast-feed for six months shouldn't be blamed or made to feel guilty, because their jobs and other demands often make it impossible to do so.
"We'd all love as pediatricians to be able to carry this information into the boardrooms by saying we all gain by small changes at the workplace" that encourage breast-feeding, Gray said.
Bartick said there are some encouraging signs. The government's new health care overhaul requires large employers to provide private places for working mothers to pump breast milk. And under a provision enacted April 1 by the Joint Commission, a hospital accrediting agency, hospitals may be evaluated on their efforts to ensure that newborns are fed only breast milk before they're sent home.
The pediatrics academy says babies should be given a chance to start breast-feeding immediately after birth. Bartick said that often doesn't happen, and at many hospitals newborns are offered formula even when their mothers intend to breast-feed.
"Hospital practices need to change to be more in line with evidence-based care," Bartick said. "We really shouldn't be blaming mothers for this."
On the Net:
American Academy of Pediatrics:
CHICAGO - The lives of nearly 900 babies would be saved each year, along with billions of dollars, if 90 percent of U.S. women fed their babies breast milk only for the first six months of life, a cost analysis says.
Mothers breast feed their newly born babies inside the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Fabella hospital in Manila March 16, 2010. Breast feeding advocates have tied up with a high-IQ (Intelligence Quotient) organization to debunk the claims of infant formula makers whose advertisements claimed that their products will increase a child's intelligence, local newspaper reported on Tuesday. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco (PHILIPPINES - Tags: POLITICS SOCIETY)
Those startling results, published online Monday in the journal Pediatrics, are only an estimate. But several experts who reviewed the analysis said the methods and conclusions seem sound.
"The health care system has got to be aware that breast-feeding makes a profound difference," said Dr. Ruth Lawrence, who heads the American Academy of Pediatrics' breast-feeding section.
The findings suggest that there are hundreds of deaths and many more costly illnesses each year from health problems that breast-feeding may help prevent. These include stomach viruses, ear infections, asthma, juvenile diabetes, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and even childhood leukemia.
The magnitude of health benefits linked to breast-feeding is vastly underappreciated, said lead author Dr. Melissa Bartick, an internist and instructor at Harvard Medical School. Breast-feeding is sometimes considered a lifestyle choice, but Bartick calls it a public health issue.
Among the benefits: Breast milk contains antibodies that help babies fight infections; it also can affect insulin levels in the blood, which may make breast-fed babies less likely to develop diabetes and obesity.
The analysis studied the prevalence of 10 common childhood illnesses, costs of treating those diseases, including hospitalization, and the level of disease protection other studies have linked with breast-feeding.
The $13 billion in estimated losses due to the low breast-feeding rate includes an economists' calculation partly based on lost potential lifetime wages — $10.56 million per death.
The methods were similar to a widely cited 2001 government report that said $3.6 billion could be saved each year if 50 percent of mothers breast-fed their babies for six months. Medical costs have climbed since then and breast-feeding rates have increased only slightly.
About 43 percent of U.S. mothers do at least some breast-feeding for six months, but only 12 percent follow government guidelines recommending that babies receive only breast milk for six months.
Dr. Larry Gray, a University of Chicago pediatrician, called the analysis compelling and said it's reasonable to strive for 90 percent compliance.
But he also said mothers who don't breast-feed for six months shouldn't be blamed or made to feel guilty, because their jobs and other demands often make it impossible to do so.
"We'd all love as pediatricians to be able to carry this information into the boardrooms by saying we all gain by small changes at the workplace" that encourage breast-feeding, Gray said.
Bartick said there are some encouraging signs. The government's new health care overhaul requires large employers to provide private places for working mothers to pump breast milk. And under a provision enacted April 1 by the Joint Commission, a hospital accrediting agency, hospitals may be evaluated on their efforts to ensure that newborns are fed only breast milk before they're sent home.
The pediatrics academy says babies should be given a chance to start breast-feeding immediately after birth. Bartick said that often doesn't happen, and at many hospitals newborns are offered formula even when their mothers intend to breast-feed.
"Hospital practices need to change to be more in line with evidence-based care," Bartick said. "We really shouldn't be blaming mothers for this."
On the Net:
American Academy of Pediatrics:
Monday, April 5, 2010
Now, I've seen the light....
Last weekend betul2 banyak perkara yang best terjadi. Afzal dah boleh bercakap sikit2. Dia dah pandai cakap itu, ayah eyak, and yang paling best dia suka nyanyi..hehe..betul2 anak mama.
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